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Donald trump, antichrist - saying the quiet part out loud

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Get Your Copy of American Babylon, American Antichrist

  • When Christians aren’t running after the vague goals of Dominionism, they’re misinterpreting the prophecies of the end times. They think the fourth beast empire of Daniel 7 is the European Union or a coming world government, and the Antichrist will be a left-leaning New Agey type. Never does it cross their minds he will be a ravening right-winger whose seat will be an American global military empire.

  • American Babylon, American Antichrist analyzes all that’s distorted, misguided or flat-out wrong about existing eschatological models out there, and presents a completely new vision to guide a faithful remnant into the future, and all the way to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

Unmasking the Truth: How Donald Trump Fulfills Biblical Prophecies

  • The Antichrist Unveiled

  • Trump’s Role in Prophecy

  • The Composite Beast (Rev 13:2)

  • King of Fierce Countenance

  • The Little Horn (Dan 7:20)

  • Red Caesar’s Survival

  • MAGA and Election Rigging

  • Theocracy’s Dark History

Trump | Prophecies

Is Donald Trump Running For The Office of Antichrist?

He has all the markers of the end-times character the Bible calls “The Beast.” Here are the clues and how he fits them to a T.

Unmasking the Truth: How Donald Trump Fulfills Biblical Prophecies

  • The Antichrist Unveiled

  • Trump’s Role in Prophecy

  • The Composite Beast (Rev 13:2)

  • King of Fierce Countenance

  • The Little Horn (Dan 7:20)

  • Red Caesar’s Survival

  • MAGA and Election Rigging

  • Theocracy’s Dark History

Trump | Prophecies

Is Donald Trump Running For The Office of Antichrist?

He has all the markers of the end-times character the Bible calls “The Beast.” Here are the clues and how he fits them to a T.

Donald Trump’s War On Truth

Doing deliberate violence to the truth is a part of Donald Trump’s brand, and a key clue about the identity of the Antichrist...

The Composite Beast Clue-Rev 13:2

And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority...

A King of Fierce Countenance

One of the many clues about the prophesied Antichrist is that he is described as “a king of fierce countenance,” who will eventually “stand up against the Prince of princes” (i.e., Jesus Christ) at the end of the age (Dan 8:23)...

Donald Trump’s War On Truth

Doing deliberate violence to the truth is a part of Donald Trump’s brand, and a key clue about the identity of the Antichrist...

The Composite Beast Clue-Rev 13:2

And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority...

A King of Fierce Countenance

One of the many clues about the prophesied Antichrist is that he is described as “a king of fierce countenance,” who will eventually “stand up against the Prince of princes” (i.e., Jesus Christ) at the end of the age (Dan 8:23)...

Get Your Copy of American Babylon, American Antichrist


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saying the quiet part out loud

saying the quiet part out loud

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Donald Trump Antichrist

This website is dedicated to proving to Christians especially, how Donald Trump is fulfilling every prophecy about the Antichrist, and that due to our enslavement to an evermore radical right-wing political “logic.” is a project of the Tabernacles Foundation, named after the soon-coming fulfillment of the Feast of Tabernacles in the New Testament era. The Foundation is dedicated to helping a faithful remnant (Rev 7:9) establish fellowships in the run up to the Great Tribulation and beyond. Having a roadmap to guide the believer through the treacherous times of the end (II Tim 3:1) is what this site is about. In fact, anyone living in the Los Angeles area that wants to start such a fellowship, please contact me here.

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